
Showing posts from April, 2020

Ice Pack Cryotherapy

You are probably familiar with icing a freshly sprained ankle or busted shin to reduce swelling and pain. Cryotherapy, or “cold therapy,” works in the same way to reduce inflammation and pain, but on injuries suffered long ago. Start your road to recovery with Dr. Alajajian and his staff today! There are many benefits associated with ice pack cryotherapy that it’s become a popular treatment option in the Glendale, CA, area.    Ice pack cryotherapy is also an effective way to help with muscle spasms. Benefits can be obtained from just one session of cryotherapy, but it is most effective when used regularly. Commonly used in treatment for sports injuries, some athletes use cryotherapy twice a day, while others may go once a day for ten days and switch to once a month after that time. Listen to what your body says as it reacts to the treatment, as well as any advice given to you by your trusted chiropractor.    Other benefits of cryotherapy include:   - Reduces pain attributed to arthrit

What is Subluxation?

We at ChiroCareLA in Glendale, CA, understand that accidents happen. A slip, bump, fall, or another sudden trauma has the ability to cause subluxation, a misalignment in your spine. When or if an accident occurs, Dr. Alajajian and his staff are readily available to get you on a personalized treatment plan. While the main goal is to correct the misalignment of your vertebrae and alleviate discomfort, we also work to prevent future subluxations by building up your spinal health.   If you are experiencing subluxation, symptoms include:   - Swelling - Numbness and tingling - Limited mobility - Pain or discomfort - Degeneration of surrounding muscles, nerves, and bones   Did you know that subluxation is a partial dislocation of the spinal cord? You can probably guess that the pain is no walk in the park. Subluxations are identified through a chiropractic exam, which consists of manual palpation and x-rays. During the manual exam, Dr. Alajajian will check the alignment of your pelvis, join

Bone Spurs in the Spine

Do you feel a shooting pain in your limbs or thorax? What about soreness in your back? Either kind of problem could be caused by a spinal spur. These bony growths form in response to inflammation and can compress nearby tissues, causing soreness and dysfunction. We offer a variety of complementary treatments for spinal spurs at in Glendale, but many of them require patient cooperation and lifestyle changes, so we want them to understand what they’re up against.   Inflammation is an immune system response that restricts the flow of toxin-filled blood and makes tissues more porous to antibodies. Unfortunately, prolonged inflammation can cause problems of its own, including the growth of bone spurs. When a person suffers from osteoarthritis, the cartilage that cushions and lubricates the joints between their vertebrae wears away. As the vertebrae rub against each other, their joint lining becomes inflamed, and spurs form. Likewise, when the spinal discs are herniated, the

Running and Back Pain

In order to keep your spine supported, you need to get regular exercise. But overuse can also lead to back pain when you aren’t warming up or varying your workout routine enough. If you’re one of the many runners with an aching back, Dr. Jack Alajajian and his staff at can offer you minimally invasive, non-addictive treatment options. We’ll also work with you to get you running again as soon as possible in a safe manner.   Muscles from our lower backs connect to the pelvis and upper leg. As they get worn out, a person may suffer spasms in their lower back. The spinal discs, which cushion the vertebrae, are also at risk for overuse, particularly in people over the age of fifty or who have suffered previous disc injuries. When a spinal disc is herniated, it may compress a sciatic nerve, which would cause shooting pain or numbness along a patient’s leg. Since the back gets jostled a lot during running, a runner is likelier to wear down their soft tissues. There is also a