Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction

When there’s something wrong with your hip, you may feel it in your back. Not only can pain radiate, it can also cause a person to adapt an unhealthy gait that will further strain their muscles and joints. Although there are many potential causes of lower back pain, we at in Glendale are able to devise safe treatments for patients suffering from joint dysfunction, including those with problems in their sacroiliac joints.


The sacrum is a structure made up of fused vertebrae at the base of the spine. The iliac bones are the crests at the top of the pelvis, and they connect to the sacrum on both its sides. Inflammation in this region is known as sacroiliitis, although dysfunction does not always cause inflammation. Most injuries to these joints are the result of wear and tear, with acute injuries likelier to happen during pregnancy or after a woman gives birth.


Sacroiliac joint dysfunction is unlikely to compress a nerve, but it can still cause a throbbing pain throughout the lower back, pelvis, and upper thigh. This can make it difficult to distinguish from a slipped disc, although it is more likely to just affect one side of the body. Testing is done through a combination of imaging and manual examination. If we confirm there is a problem with a sacroiliac joint, treatments may involve a combination of manual adjustments and electric muscle stimulation and low level laser therapy to keep the muscles limber. Patients may also be advised to do strengthening exercises so their hips will be better supported in the future.


Dr. Jack Alajajian and his staff operate at 815 E Colorado Suite 250, Glendale CA, 91205. Call 818-246-3600.



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