
Dr. Jack Alajajian and his staff treat a variety of different conditions, including Fibromyalgia. This is a lifelong chronic condition that negatively impacts your quality of life. Widespread pain spreads discomfort throughout your entire musculoskeletal system. Everything is affected, from your joints to your soft tissues. Chiropractic treatment offered at provides relief without reliance on medication. To learn more, contact our Glendale, CA, office.


Fibromyalgia is difficult, both in terms of diagnosis and treatment. Medical experts have found no known cause for its development. The only possibilities are genetics, certain infections, and severe physical/emotional distress. When you see a traditional Western doctor for fibromyalgia, you’re given pain medication. That’s not the case with your Glendale, CA, chiropractor. Dr. Alajajian and his staff focus on treating the roots of your symptoms. By treating what worsens your symptoms, your quality of life increases.


When an area of your spine moves out of its normal positioning, this is known as a spinal misalignment or subluxation. These are awful for your fibromyalgia. This is directly due to how a subluxation interrupts your body's normal functioning. Your spine is the central hub for your entire nervous system. It delivers all the messages from your brain to your body. The subluxation blocks these messages from getting through. The results: your entire body is thrown off-balance.


At your appointment, our staff evaluates your entire spine. Our team quickly locates the misalignment. We can correct it right away. Using either his hands or a small tool, Dr. Alajajian pushes the vertebra back into place.


At, your needs are our biggest concern. Treatment at our Glendale, CA, facility greatly improves your quality of life! To schedule an appointment with Dr. Jack Alajajian and his staff, visit their website or call 818-246-3600.


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