Spinal Adjustments

A chiropractic adjustment, or spinal manipulation, is the primary treatment method for back pain. At ChiroCareLA.com, Dr. Jack Alajajian will work with you to relieve pressure on your joints, reduce inflammation, and improve nerve function.


There are various forms of spinal adjustments that are used. All of them help your vertebra shift back into place, allowing your body to work together as a whole. One method that is commonly used at ChiroCareLa.com is the Graston Technique.


The Graston Technique is a method of using instruments upon the body to identify areas of restriction. Chiropractors use these instruments to relieve pain and pressure at the site of pain. Following the pain up the kinetic chain can show more insight into what could be causing the problem. From there the instruments break up scar tissue to be reabsorbed by the body. Using the Graston Technique with icing, stretching, and strengthening can revitalize injured tissue.


To learn more about our methods of spinal adjustment, or more about the Graston Technique, visit our website. From here, you can schedule an appointment online with Dr. Jack Alajajian or call 818-246-3600.



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