Bones of the Spine

Chiropractic enables a body to function comfortably by using noninvasive means of realigning the musculoskeletal system. At, we offer a full suite of treatments for the core and limbs, but since the spine is so important for the body’s overall function, we wanted our patients to understand the basics of how it is built.

 Vertebrae are the bones of the back. Most of them are “articulated,” meaning that they move independently. The seven vertebrae that are located in the neck are called cervical vertebrae. They include the atlas, which moves the head up and down, and the axis, which moves it side to side. With the exception of those two, each articulated vertebrae is separated by a spongy disc that functions as a shock absorber.

Below the neck are the twelve thoracic vertebrae that make up the upper back. They have additional joints for the ribs to connect to. The five lumbar vertebrae are the bones of the lower back. Below them are two structures in the pelvic region that are made up of fused vertebrae: the sacrum and the coccyx. The spinal cord is the bundle of nerves that passes through a canal made up of hollow protrusions in back of the vertebrae, with nerves to the rest of the body branching off from it. The vertebrae are linked to each other by facet joints, and chiropractic care helps ensure that there is no pinching on the spinal cord or inflammation of the facet joints. is located at 815 E Colorado Suite 250, Glendale, California, 91205. To schedule an appointment, call 818-246-3600 or visit


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